Sad When Respondent Is The Victim
Finley Engineering Company, Inc. I was served a summons to appear in court on April 19th, 2006 to answer to two "ORDERS OF PROTECTION" that had been filed against me by RANDALL KIM LITTLE & LONNIE JOE McFADDEN who are company officers at Finley Engineering Co. in Lamar, Mo. I wrote this paper the night before and had intended to present it to the court. Due to circumstances in the court room and things said by the judge I did not end up presenting it so I will present it now.
I was terminated from Finley Engineering Co., Inc. on 10/31/2002. Kim Little was the person to inform me that I was terminated. He would offer no explanation. I was not aware of, or informed about any wrong doing or "just cause" for this action.
I have been given a copy of an order of protection that was filed by Kim Little and one by Lonnie McFadden. These orders appear to be a frivilous filing and an " Abuse of the Law". This type of order is normally reserved for women, married or unmarried, in a relationship out of control. It is a frivilous filing to file an order and intend to use it to your advantage to attain other goals.
Mr. McFadden incorrectly states that I discussed my termination with his assistant in Nevada, Mo. fall of 2005. I did not discuss anything with her except to ask if anyone had picked up a packet of information I had left earlier. She never asked me to leave. When she acknowledged she had fouind it I left.
What I have done on occassion is to "SPEAK OUT" about the extremely harsh, brutal, and unjust theft of my "livelihood" to different people. I have stood up for the fact that I was forced out of a company without "just cause", or any cause explained to me. I requested a service letter to explain why I was forced out and the section that attempts to give reasons are vague, not descript of anything with foundation. They are attempts to walk around the facts.
I have been in and around Lamar many times since my being "forced" out of the company and I have not been harrassing or stalking anyone. What communication I have sent to the company was of the type to try to refute what happened and hopefuly others would take notice of the facts. It is sad that company officers are able to treat employees as though they have no rights and that what they feel, think, or say if of no importance.
I am the type of person that is sensitive to life in that many things matter to me. It has always been my desire to be the right kind of person and in being the right kind of person, that also includes standing up for myself in the face of injustices unfairly placed upon me.
My employment at Finleys was unique in that I had nearly 24 years with the company and my job is such that you do not just go out and get re-employed with another like company doing such like work so easily.
The AT-WILL DOCTRINE was an ill established doctrine and because of that fact it has been noticed, and over time exceptions were added to attempt to give the employee more fair treatment in cases of company abuse. There is still much work to be done in this area to bring a more harmonious balance to the interest of both the employer and employee. Lobbying and legislation are both desired to make changes of significance. What has happened to me is a prime example of officers within a company acting with supposed "impunity" and doing whatever their whims were without any regard to the damage to anothers life that their decisions might cause.
My experience is a perfect example of why much work needs to be done in this area of employment to ensure that those who are INNOCENT OF WRONG DOING cannot just be forced out of a company without "JUST CAUSE".
My statement to this court is that I am innocent of the charges against me in regards to stalking and harrassing anyone. I am not that type of person. I am in the transportation end of the health care industry and I enjoy being able to assist those who are financially disadvantaged, (for whatever reasons), on their journey back to health, or their battle to maintain their health before they lose it. It has been a new and enriching experience for me but at the same time it does not replace or remedy what I had "STOLEN" from me.
Charles Orrell was my boss for 22+ years and he would have much to say concerning all this were he here. He is a Lamar resident. Mr. Orrell worked closely at times with both of these petitioners within the framework of Finley Engineering Co. He has read and copied with my permission, the service letter I was sent. He told me it DISGUSTED him. He told me also that he attempted to talk to them about me and that their allegations against me were bunk.
I offer my two work evaluations within the last 2 years as evidence of my behaviour and person. It is in stark contrast to the allegations in the service letter. I am proud, but not surprised.
To my knowledge and research it appears that my termination did not break any laws, however that does not make it all right or acceptable. Were I guilty of wrong doing we would not be here today doing this. I have, I'm sure, gone beyond the time limits to sue the company. If the courts had any power to control events and request a severance pay if nothing else, to appease at least to some extent the heinous act that has been force upon me, that would be a step in the right direction.
I have wanted to have the opportunity to defend myself in the face of any allegations against me and I have even been deprived of that opportunity.
It has been slow, but I have moved on beyond the event that destroyed my life as I knew it, however the effects of what has happened will remain INDEFINITELY.
It has been suggested that I must feel bitter toward Mr. Little for what he has put upon me. I think there was a period where I did feel an intensity of that nature, and I think it normal in the circumstances. I do not however continue to harbor any feelings like that because to do so would be to damage myself further by being tht emotionally caught up in it and that is not someplace I want to be. It is harmful to me to be continually angry and bitter and that has no good end in itself. It is very sad that someone like Mr. Little, and perhaps even Mr. McFadden, they do not seem to have any concern as to the damage they do to others byt the use of the power they have as officers of a company. I could fire someone easily if I were a manager, but never, ever, under any circumstances would I fire anyone without first knowng I had 'JUST CAUSE".
My employment with Finley's was much more than just a job. My lifes fabric and being were interwoven wtih my job. I am more grateful than anyone can know that I have been blessed with the wonderful years I had with the company. Just the fact that I participated in the business, it ended up changing my life in so many areas and those were all positive changes. The experience of being part of their world was a great enrichment to mine and there is much I have gained that no company officer can take from me.
After all said and done it is almost depressing to have to realize that in this particular company, and the particular set of circumstances, trying to do right and be the right kind of employee didn't matter to them.
My time with the company takes me back to a few incidences that I recall. We had an employee that had many years with the company and took his notes on matchbook covers. I learned from working with him that he had developed a habit of knocking off for the day around 3:00p.m. and charging a full day for that. I complained as I saw that as company abuse.
In Brinkley, Ar. there were two employees that could not get out of bed to go to work and it was 9:00a.m. in the morning. They could not get out of bed because they weren't over being drunk from the night before. I liked these guys but that was not acceptable. Did these people loose their jobs? No they did not. Did I think they should have been fired? Not neccessarily.
My position today is that I am moving on and moving forward. I would like for people to have the chance to know what happened to me and that is part of what my efforts have been about and for. It has taken me time to get to where I am today and I have deep scars that will always remain from this. Mr. Little is more of a hinderance to the company than he is an asset. Many that work under him are troubled by his behaviour and resent him for being the type of person that he CHOOSES to be.
He truly has a way of making you realize how UNIMPORTANT you are in his eyes. It's all about mutual respect and it's a two way street. I could go on and on but what's the point?